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Wahooo!! I was just informed I'll be receiving an acknowledgement in the upcoming publication on the FANA-ASO project!! There have definitely been a LOT of extractions and trunk injections are seriously no joke.


Start to finish: We have drilled into the trunks of Valencia orange trees to insert antibiotics or the FANA antisense oligonucleotide solution in different concentrations. Psyllids have been placed across the grove and then we're monitoring bacterial infections on a timeline with replicate treatments throughout the experiment. Leaf harvest occurs at four points across the canopy, the tissue is dissected, DNA extracted and then analyzed via qPCR. Similarly psyllids are collected, DNA extracted and analyzed. Crunch the numbers and repeat! Erik has a LOT of data and as the project is coming to a close, he's just as excited as I am about the upcoming cellular work.



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